Author: Skorpio

Dominant role is first of all The Role. Is the Dom, male, female or group, the active subject in a BDSM situation. From him derives every action, for his satisfaction all is done, every step of the play is an emanation of his will. Charging as Dominant is surely more complex then its specular. In fact the Dominant is the directive role, in charge for everything going on during the play. And with the power, the Dom/me assumes all responsibility upon the game. He have to lead, giving orders, creating and managing rituals and situations, dictating (and modifying) rules, deciding and imposing punishments or rewards. The responsibilities of the Dom aren't of course limited to the scenery and the play itself: while accepting the sub,ossove's offer of his body, mostly along with his heart and soul to play with, the Dom gets the right to enjoy them, but also the responsibility to drive them through pain but not into danger. This is not at all an easy thing - and everyone who considers to Dominate the partner - or who's askd to, may attentively consider the proposal before jumping in the game. And, what is most important, what himself and the partner are expecting from the whole game.

Who's BAD?

An attitude to cruelty, gaining pleasure from submissive's pain and also some skill and experience are important basis for a Dom, but far more important are sensitiveness and firmness of the role, real fundamentals for a satisfactory BDSM play. A sharp intuition and an intense commanding behaviour completes the picture of the Dominant role; the One everything had to bend to, nothing can be claimed from and holding the submissive as a tool and a property. Obviously there are different ways to be a Dom as many different Doms. That role is highly individual, being essentially an amplification of personal preferences and attitudes. There are sweet and cruel, ennobles and gross, unpredictable and determined, forbearing and relentless. Leading the game in a BDSM play: that's what bound them all. A particular care shall be from Doms about managing the sessions. Choosing tools, dresses and games to play is a very important task, usually being fetish a strictly related component of BDSM play. Of course every Dom will manage that duty at his own will and tastes.

a SMILE gets more then a KICK

Another little thing about the play itself and the technique. There are some so-called Doms used to impose brutality and violence to discipline offences or for their own amusement. Personally i find it useless and dangerous. Who use violence show simply not to be able to gain the same goal (to discipline, humiliate or submit) with his simple will power. Those are then weakness symptoms not matching with the Dominant role in a BDSM relationship. Moreover, they can be very likely symptoms of mental and/or behavioral pathologies. Of course i am talking about serious and repeated acts of brutality, not about rare single occasions or frequent little acts in a long relationship. There are indeed some games or practices like spanking or whipping where can be expressed even a high degree of violence, without risk of serious harming. Risks that have nothing to do with sex nor BDSM.


My very personal addendum: i have been under whip and heels of some Mistresses in my experiences. And, as a switch, i also had some delicious flowers at hand at times. And i can say one thing about Dom role: IMHO the more important benefit in a Dom is irony. Yes, being assertive made the sub feel held. And yes, being cruel excite him/her and, if you have the attitude, is simply delicious. But acting like a god can also be very dangerous for the play itself... What if that god fails? What if He/She stumble on the carpet and land goofy on the floor? What if He/She crash the lamp while whistling the whip? Dom or not, we remain human being with all our weakness and dumbness. So in my opinion is far more a good idea to express our "power" with a funny grin then a severe look. And to try to remember (also if not showing it) that we are just having fun.
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